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In these projects we have collaborated with the Lego Group to explore the ways in which creative construction of objects can unlock feelings and insights into everyday experience. Most notably we have asked a diverse range of people to build metaphorical models of their identities, in Lego.

Interview about the process
from Lego Serious Play website
  Photos and comments from fieldwork

Update, September 2010: I have just finished writing a new book, which links with this work, entitled Making is Connecting. You can visit the book's website now for extracts, videos, links and more. The book will be published by Polity in April 2011.
Also: See the Lego landscape of ideas at Reboot Britain in Flickr photos and YouTube video.

Research about how people construct identities, based on the fieldwork using Lego Serious Play, is published in the book Creative Explorations (2007). Clients for whom we have used Lego Serious Play to develop strategy include NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, the University of Huddersfield, and the charity Help and Care. The research has been supported by the Lego Group, CEMP, and the Research Council of Norway.

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